Friday, November 27, 2015

Who's supposed to protect us?

This may come to you as a surprise but, the police aren't here to protect you and I. Surprised? Why do you think that they no longer do stuff they use to do? Do you think its because they are overwhelmed with work? If that was the case then why do they handout so many tickets? Its covering the same streets that you call 911 about.

No, the police aren't here to protect us. They are here to protect the government. They give out tickets to protect the government resources.

The people that are supposed to protect us, I want to get straight to the point is congressman and senators. They've not protected us from the Obama Administration like they're supposed to. They should have taken him to court OR  started impeachment proceedings right away. But, they didn't. The citizen knows it, the ones that have read the constitution anyway.

If they had protected us, we wouldn't be in the predicaments we are now. Those that didn't protect us don't deserve to be president now. That only leaves very few canidates. Bush, Huckabee, Jindal, Kasich, Paul and Rubio should be out. They all had a pulprit to speak from.

That would leave Trump, Carson, Cruz, Rubio and Fiorina. Cruz and Rubio did try to muster up support for a number of the issues I'm talking about but didn't succeed. That's why I have them still in the running.

I don't understand why congress hasn't suggested the President isn't mentally healthy and do whatever the constitution says needs to happen when the President available temporarly.

Copyright (C) 2015 I'm Sure I'll Hear About This All Rights Reserved. If you use ANY part of this discussion please source where you read it.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Lets Talk About Who The Real Racists Are...

As I know it, In the 60's when we were talking about the beginnings of todays welfare system... We counted on the churches assisting families in time of need. Usually, there was no paper work. It was discussed with the church elder's and you got some emergency cash.

The Republican's wanted to do something like that. But the Democrats saw that as a place to grow government and get power by having the Government Granting Emergency Cash. The Republican's saw it as a temporary condition.

To make this a shorter story. The GOP wanted to keep the family intact during this troubled time.

The Democrats saw welfare as a longterm ordeal. They wanted the father out of the house (do your research, look at the votes in congress about this.) The families were then fatherless. And the government became the pseudo father. That was the only way you qualified for Medicad and the other programs that now have been established.

So, the slaves were again with a slave owner called the Democratic party. We could now do things 999 times wanting a different outcome that 1000 time.

So, are you finally seeing the racist Democratic party as they really are vs. the way they would like you to see them?

Copyright (C) 2015 I'm Sure I'll Hear About This All Rights Reserved. If you use ANY part of this discussion please source where you read it.

Black People, Slavery and the Two Political Parties

Black people for a longtime have tried to blame the Republican Party (GOP) for their plight. Calling Republicans racists. Saying the Republicans in the past owned slaves. Which is true.

Black People for last 40 years have basicly voted a straight Democratic ticket. And for 40 years the Democrats have taken those votes. The GOP puts up new people for positions. The GOP entertains  new programs. But, the Democrats on the other hand have put up the same old people in the same positions. Democrats have put up the same old programs but with new names. No real changes for 40 years. Never once bettering the plight of the black people with new programs or new people.

There's an old saying by Benj. Franklin I believe. If we do something 99 times and get the same result why do we expect that it will change the 100th time?

As I see it, how can the Republicans be racists. They don't have a chance to be.

Can the blacks be racist? Yes. They like the way they live or they would try something new. Just like the slaves in history. 

They also love their slave owners, the Democrats. Otherwise, they would throw the current slave owners out of office and try anything else.

Copyright (C) 2015 I'm Sure I'll Hear About This All Rights Reserved. If you use ANY part of this discussion please source where you read it.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Ground Rules

First, I'm not a P.C. kinda guy.
Second, This is a blog and therefore I will make this one P.C. statement re: Policy. And that is: Like most people I do have a finite vocabulary. I am an analytical, direct and hopefully sensative person. It is never my intention to say something that will intentionally hurt somone.

It is my intention to be as straight forward and communicative as humanly possible. This is a blog and as such it it is about ideas and communication and if the shoe fits wear it; If its tight, wear thinner socks. If it hurts, change the shoe.

Copyright (C) 2015 I'm Sure I'll Hear About This All Rights Reserved. If you use ANY part of this discussion please source where you read it.